Developing Lacrosse - A Letter from the President

Dear Centurion,

I am writing to tell about our recent successes and to ask for your help in building on these.

In recent years the club has been able to make a considerable contribution to the development of our game. We have been involved with developing lacrosse with 28 Universities and a number of clubs and schools. Those we have assisted include:


  • Aberystwyth University
  • Manchester University
  • Bangor University
  • Newcastle University
  • Bath University
  • Northumbria University
  • Birmingham University
  • Northampton University
  • Brighton University
  • Plymouth University
  • Bristol University
  • Portsmouth University
  • Brunel University
  • Royal Holloway College
  • Cardiff University
  • Stafford University
  • Christ Church College, Canterbury
  • Swansea University
  • College of St Mark & St John
  • Warwick University
  • East Anglia University
  • Exeter University

Schools and Clubs

  • Gloucester University
  • Bath Juniors
  • Hertfordshire University
  • East Coast (Norwich) LC
  • Keele University
  • Royal Navy Lacrosse Association
  • Kent University
  • Spencer LC
  • Leicester University
  • Walcountian Blues LC U19s
  • Lincoln University
  • Woodcote Schools Partnership

By advising in start up situations and making grants to buy the first set of equipment we have been able to ensuring a flying start for new universities. Happily lacrosse is now a recognised official university sport by the British Universities and Colleges Sports Association and is prospering in the universities.

We have been able to fund this from monies built up over the years. However, we are now dependent on our annual income to fund projects and as lacrosse prospers in the Universities there is an increasing demand to get more university sides playing.

There are two ways in which you may be able to bridge the funding gap.

Firstly, by enrolling new members. Each new subscription helps to fund the development of the game.

Secondly, by making a contribution to our development funds. It is now possible to donate money to The Centurions through a charity - The South of England Lacrosse Educational Trust (SELET). As a SEMLA member club we can partner with SELET to raise funds but Northerners can rest assured that we can still use the donations to support initiatives throughout the country. This means that we can receive Gift Aid from the tax man equal to 25% of your donation and, if you pay higher rate tax, you can receive tax relief on your payment.

It's pleasing to see our game progressing well. I hope you can help us to do even more.

Yours Sincerely,

Jon Harrop