- The Club shall be known as the Centurion Lacrosse Club; the colours shall be gold on navy blue.
- The Club will be affiliated to relevant National and Regional bodies.
- The management and control of the Club shall be vested in the Committee which shall consist of Past Presidents, the officers of the Club, and five members elected at the Annual General Meeting. They will hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt. Until otherwise decided by the Committee, a quorum shall be five.
- The club is predominantly for those who have been involved in the game in the United Kingdom. The Committee shall, however, have power to elect as members persons who may not have been involved in lacrosse or who may not be resident in the UK. The Committee shall also have absolute discretion to elect Honorary Members.
- Every new member shall be approved by the Committee which shall have absolute discretion in this matter.
The objects of the Club are :
- To further the game of lacrosse, in particular by encouraging the game amongst young players,
- To provide a club for the members to meet socially,
- To provide a link for the members to the contemporary game,
- To provide occasional games for members.
- The subscription shall be decided annually by the Committee. The financial year shall start on 1st April. Any member whose subscription shall remain unpaid at 30th September shall, if the Committee so decide, cease to be a member.
- The honorary officers of the Club shall be the President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Northern Representative and other Regional Representatives as deemed appropriate by the Committee. All officers shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and hold office to the close of the next Annual General Meeting. A President shall be eligible for election for two consecutive full years. If the President is unable to attend a Committee meeting the Committee shall appoint a Chair for the meeting. Any vacancy among the officers of the Club occurring during the course of the year shall be filled by the Committee.
- Annual General Meetings shall be held at the end of the financial year on a date and location decided by the Committee. This should take place within 14 months of the previous AGM. The ordinary business of an Annual General Meeting shall be: the election of the officers and the Committee; the presentation of reports to the members; the appointment of an auditor; the consideration of the Club’s accounts; and any other business which does not come under Bye-law number 12.If any vacancy in the position of auditor shall occur between the Annual General Meetings, the Committee shall appoint an Auditor.
- A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called by the Committee, and must be called on a notice supported by at least five members, which must state the object of the meeting.
- A minimum of 10 days’ notice shall be given of any General Meeting. The President (if present) shall take the chair. If he is unable to be present, then one of the other honorary officers shall be nominated by the committee to deputise for him.
- Any amendment, alteration, or addition to these bye-laws can only be made at a General Meeting on a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and casting a vote. Notice of any such proposed amendment, alteration, or addition must be included in the notice calling the meeting.
Updated June 2014