To make a donation and enable us to receive Gift Aid of 25% we'd like you to make donations via a charity. All monies received will be paid over to The Centurion Lacrosse Club.
As a SEMLA member club we can partner with the South of England Lacrosse Educational Trust (SELET) to raise, funds but Northerners can rest assured that we can still use the donations to support initiatives throughout the country. This means that we can receive Gift Aid from the tax man equal to 25% of your donation and, if you pay at the 40% rate tax you can receive tax relief on your payment.
Please make payments payable to ‘SELET’ and complete a Donor Declaration Form below which ensures that the money will go to The Centurions for them to spend as they wish on lacrosse. We also need a Gift Aid Declaration to enable us to recover Gift Aid from the taxman.
Important: Gift Aid is only applicable to personal donations by UK taxpayers. Gift Aid cannot be reclaimed on donations by companies or on payments due to a club in any event.
On receipt of the forms the funds we will allocate the money to The Centurions.
Periodically, we will claim the Gift Aid from HM Revenue and Customs and pass the funds received to The Centurions.
If you're a higher rate tax payer, by including the payment under charitable donations you will receive tax relief of 25% of your gift.
Communications with SELET should be directed to the Secretary:
Rob Collinge
12 Walsingham, St John's Wood Park, London NW8 6RG
Tel: 07976 937990
It is very important that we claim Gift Aid only in respect of personal donations by UK taxpayers. Gift Aid can not be reclaimed on donations by companies.